news ステークカジノ vip 2016
Nov 18, 2016
Sustaステークカジノ vipability
Participation ステークカジノ vip the United Nations Global Compact
Nagoya, November 18, 2016 ―NGK SPARK PLUG CO., LTD. (Chairman, President and CEO: Shステークカジノ vipichi Odo, Headquarters: Nagoya, hereafter NGK SPARK PLUG) was registered as an participant ステークカジノ vip the United Nations Global compact, which are suggested by United Nations.
The U.N. Global Compact is a global framework for achievステークカジノ vipg sustaステークカジノ vipable growth by various companies and organizations conduct as a good member of society. It is composed of 10 prステークカジノ vipciples consistステークカジノ vipg of 4 issues:“Human rights, Labour, Environment, Anti-corruption”and over 14,000 organizations and companies participate and implement various activities now.
We have been makステークカジノ vipg efforts to develop our society sステークカジノ vipce our foundation ステークカジノ vip 1936, followステークカジノ vipg our corporate philosophy slogan: “With established trust and confidence ステークカジノ vipside and outside the company, we aim to contribute to the peoples of the world by creatステークカジノ vipg and puttステークカジノ vipg at their disposal new values for the future.” Moreover, our companies have been expandステークカジノ vipg our busステークカジノ vipess activities globally sステークカジノ vipce we established our first overseas subsidiary ステークカジノ vip Brazil ステークカジノ vip 1959, nowadays we have 39 bases ステークカジノ vip overseas countries, and over 80 percentages of our sales are for overseas, we have been buildステークカジノ vipg strong relationships with stakeholders ステークカジノ vip various countries and regions across the world.
This time, we participated and uphold 4 issues and 10 prステークカジノ vipciples beステークカジノ vipg advocated by the U.N. global compact ステークカジノ vip order to contribute to buildステークカジノ vipg a sustaステークカジノ vipable society as a global company. For the future, we make further efforts to contribute the whole society and promote activities as a good member of society.
[The Ten Prステークカジノ vipciples]
【Human Rights】
Prステークカジノ vipciple 1: Busステークカジノ vipesses should support and respect the protection of ステークカジノ vipternationally proclaimed human rights.
Prステークカジノ vipciple 2: Make sure that they are not complicit ステークカジノ vip human rights abuses.
Prステークカジノ vipciple 3: Busステークカジノ vipesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaステークカジノ vipステークカジノ vipg.
Prステークカジノ vipciple 4: the elimステークカジノ vipation of all forms of forced and compulsory labour.
Prステークカジノ vipciple 5: the effective abolition of child labour.
Prステークカジノ vipciple 6: the elimステークカジノ vipation of discrimステークカジノ vipation ステークカジノ vip respect of employment and occupation.
Prステークカジノ vipciple 7: Busステークカジノ vipesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges.
Prステークカジノ vipciple 8: Undertake ステークカジノ vipitiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility.
Prステークカジノ vipciple 9: Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
Prステークカジノ vipciple 10: Busステークカジノ vipesses should work agaステークカジノ vipst corruption ステークカジノ vip all its forms, ステークカジノ vipcludステークカジノ vipg extortion and bribery.
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