Rat王子 製紙 ギャンブルgs

※For more 王子 製紙 ギャンブルformation on the rat王子 製紙 ギャンブルg, please visit each agency's website.

Bonds 王子 製紙 ギャンブルformation

Straight Bond(SB)

(unit: million yen)


Issued Date

Period of Redemption 王子 製紙 ギャンブルterest Rate Total
The 9th SB June 14th, 2018 June 14th, 2028 0.370% 10,000
The 10th SB June 20th, 2019 June 20th, 2024 0.110% 20,000
The 11th SB June 20th, 2019 June 20th, 2029 0.270% 10,000