Corporate code 日本 オンライン カジノ of Conduct

At Niterra Co., Ltd., in order to make the corporate philosophy expressed in our slogan, “With established trust 日本 オンライン カジノ confidence inside 日本 オンライン カジノ outside the company, we aim to contribute to the peoples of the world by creating 日本 オンライン カジノ putting at their disposal new values for the future” an everyday reality, we undertake to conduct ourselves in a socially responsible manner in accordance with the following 10 principles.

  1. We shall respect human rights 日本 オンライン カジノ observe both the spirit as well as the letter of all laws 日本 オンライン カジノ regulations applicable to our activities throughout the world.
  2. We shall develop 日本 オンライン カジノ provide socially beneficial 日本 オンライン カジノ safe goods 日本 オンライン カジノ services by making full use of the most suitable technologies 日本 オンライン カジノ our accumulated experience 日本 オンライン カジノ shall strive to earn the confidence of our consumers 日本 オンライン カジノ customers, while taking necessary measures to protect personal data 日本 オンライン カジノ customer-related information.
  3. We shall promote fair, transparent, free competition 日本 オンライン カジノ sound trade. We shall also ensure that our relationships 日本 オンライン カジノ contacts with government agencies 日本 オンライン カジノ political bodies are of a sound 日本 オンライン カジノ proper nature.
  4. Emphasizing communication not only with our shareholders but also with members of society at large, we shall engage in active 日本 オンライン カジノ fair disclosure of corporate information through ongoing corporate communications.
  5. Recognizing that a positive involvement in environmental issues is a priority for all humanity 日本 オンライン カジノ an essential aspect of our activities 日本 オンライン カジノ a prerequisite for our very existence as a company, we shall approach these issues voluntarily, proactively, 日本 オンライン カジノ speedily.
  6. As a good corporate citizen, we shall actively engage in philanthropic activities 日本 オンライン カジノ other activities of benefit to society.
  7. We shall strive to respect the diversity 日本 オンライン カジノ individuality of our employees 日本 オンライン カジノ foster a safe 日本 オンライン カジノ excellent working environment where they can realize their full potential.
  8. We shall reject all contacts with organizations involved in activities in violation of the law or accepted st日本 オンライン カジノards of responsible social behavior.
  9. We shall respect the cultures 日本 オンライン カジノ the customs of local communities where we do business 日本 オンライン カジノ strive to manage our activities throughout the world in such a way as to promote 日本 オンライン カジノ contribute to the development of local communities.
  10. Management shall exercise leadership in making the letter 日本 オンライン カジノ spirit of the Code of Conduct integral to everyday business practice, thoroughly implementing the Code of Conduct throughout the Company 日本 オンライン カジノ inculcating it throughout the Group 日本 オンライン カジノ its supply chain. To this end, management shall continually improve internal systems while striving to cultivate ethics.