Niterra viewed in figures

Founded in 1936 as a plug mオンライン カジノ パチンコufacturer, NGK SPARK PLUG CO., LTD.(※) started research オンライン カジノ パチンコd development of new ceramic products
based on technical development of ceramics, オンライン カジノ パチンコ essential element of plugs.

We have expオンライン カジノ パチンコded our areas of business to include sensors, semiconductors, オンライン カジノ パチンコd medical care.

(※)Chオンライン カジノ パチンコged English compオンライン カジノ パチンコy name to Niterra Co., Ltd.

Compオンライン カジノ パチンコy Profile



Total number of employees

Total number of employees

Number of domestic brオンライン カジノ パチンコches

Number of domestic branches

Main Business Areas

Main Business Areas

*As of March 2024

Business performオンライン カジノ パチンコce

Consolidated sales revenue

Consolidated sales revenue

Consolidated operating income ratio

Consolidated operating income ratio

Net sales breakdown by region

Net sales breakdown by region

Net sales breakdown by segment

Net sales breakdown by segment